“The Spirited Zone”
Ink on Paper & Digital Color
Ink on Paper & Digital Color
I was commissioned by the Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District to help promote their Zero Emission Technology, the “first transit agency in the nation with a hydrogen fleet fueled entirely from our own 100% renewable source,” by creating characters and scenes based on a list of animals representing the new fleet of zero-emission buses. I am incredibly honored to have been a part of the project in my own small way. The project has helped me to appreciate all the hard work that goes into the logistics of running a public transportation system smoothly and safely for passengers on a daily basis. The folks at CU-MTD have been generous with their support and enthusiasm during the entire process, and I am grateful and feel fortunate to have had the opportunity work with them.
The artworks will be featured in their entirety on the official Schedule & Maps booklet and at the Illinois Terminal - Champaign-Urbana Amtrak Station. Elements from the art will be featured on mobile apps and on over two-hundred bus shelters in and around Champaign-Urbana.

“The Spirited Zone” Detail

“The Spirited Zone” Detail

“The Spirited Zone” Detail

Character Designs representing Zero Emission fleet of buses
More behind-the-scenes sketches and images:
Behind the Scenes Concept Sketches & Notes from the artist
Behind the Scenes Concept Sketches & Notes from the artist